Live Event Painting
A selection of choices for your special day, each package offers a different style, canvas style and level of detail.
Close up scene, for intimate moments
Painted on 50 x 60cm premium stretched canvas
Finished on the Day, up to 6hrs of live painting
Professional quality oil paints
Photoshoot session on wedding day
No delivery required
Full body with background scenery
Painted on 60 x 76cm premium stretched canvas
Up to 6hrs of live painting with detailed studio touch up
Professional quality oil paints
Choice of Photoshoot session/Live moment on wedding day tailored to your vision
Artwork delivered in 5-8 weeks
Other Services
Painting sketches of Guests! A great addition to the day, and fun entertainment for your guests.
Want another painting after your wedding or already married? These paintings are done from photo references.
Portrait Paintings done on 20 x 30cm canvas, face/bust only. Painted from photo reference.
Any photos, random or misc of you, or friends, anything really can be sketched! Drawn and delivered in quality 200gsm paper and plastic sleeve.
“One love, one heart, one destiny.”
— Bob Marley